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UFC Vegas 23 live stream results, play-by-play updates for ‘Vettori vs Holland’ – Daily Sporting News
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UFC Vegas 23 live stream results, play-by-play updates for ‘Vettori vs Holland’

UFC Vegas 23 live stream results, play-by-play updates for ‘Vettori vs Holland’

UFC Vegas 23 live stream results and play-by-play updates are right here for the Marvin Vettori vs. Kevin Holland-led mixed martial arts (MMA) event TODAY (Sat., April 10, 2021) inside the promotion’s APEX facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Trailblazer” is filling in for the injured Darren Till, a five-round middleweight contest that takes place shortly after 145-pound phenom Arnold Allen goes to war with once-beaten featherweight bruiser Sodiq Yusuff. Not a bad look for the promotion’s highly-anticipated return to ABC Sports!

MMAmania.com will deliver LIVE round-by-round, blow-by-blow coverage of the entire UFC Vegas 23 fight card below, starting with the early ESPN+ “Prelims” undercard bouts at 11:30 a.m ET, followed by the ESPN/ESPN+ “Prelims” at 12 noon, before the ABC/ESPN+ kickoff at 3 p.m. ET.

Keep in mind that we will also be the spot for the latest news, recaps, and post-fight analysis following “Vettori vs. Holland.”


185 lbs.: Marvin Vettori vs. Kevin Holland
145 lbs.: Arnold Allen vs. Sodiq Yusuff
185 lbs.: Sam Alvey vs. Julian Marquez
115 lbs.: Nina Ansaroff vs. Mackenzie Dern
170 lbs.: Mike Perry vs. Daniel Rodriguez
155 lbs.: Jim Miller vs. Joe Solecki
155 lbs.: Mateusz Gamrot vs. Scott Holtzman — Gamrot def. Holtzman by KO (punches) at 1:22 of Round Two
155 lbs.: Ignacio Bahamondes vs. John Makdessi — Makdessi def. Bahamondes by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 30-27)
265 lbs.: Jarjis Danho vs. Yorgan De Castro — Danho def. De Castro by KO (punch) at 3:02 of Round One — HIGHLIGHTS
135 lbs.: Hunter Azure vs. Jack Shore — Shore def. Azure by split decision (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)
145 lbs.: Jordan Griffin vs. Luis Saldana — Saldana def. Griffin by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)
205 lbs.: William Knight vs. Da Un Jung — Jung def. Knight by unanimous decision (30-26 x2, 30-27)
170 lbs.: Impa Kasanganay vs. Sasha Palatnikov — Kasanganay def. Palatnikov by submission (rear naked choke) at 0:26 of Round Two — HIGHLIGHTS


185 lbs.: Marvin Vettori vs. Kevin Holland

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 4:

Round 5:

Final result:

145 lbs.: Arnold Allen vs. Sodiq Yusuff

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final result:

185 lbs.: Sam Alvey vs. Julian Marquez

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final result:

115 lbs.: Nina Ansaroff vs. Mackenzie Dern

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final result:

170 lbs.: Mike Perry vs. Daniel Rodriguez

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final result:

155 lbs.: Jim Miller vs. Joe Solecki

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Final result:

155 lbs.: Mateusz Gamrot vs. Scott Holtzman

Round 1: Gamrot jabs the body, tosses out kicks. Holtzman tries to time an uppercut, lands a right cross. Gamrot threatens a level change. One minute in. Counter right from Holtzman. Counter head kick attempt by Gamrot. Nice low single by Gamrot, tries for a leglock for a second before they separate. Body kick from Holtzman. Two minutes in. Counter uppercut catches Gamrot changing levels. Gamrot fakes a level change, lands some short punches. Two minutes to go.

Another clean counter uppercut by Holtzman. Lead right connects for Gamrot. Gamrot chains a low single into a doubl-leg to take him down against the fence. Rear waist lock as Holtzman stands. One minute to go. Gamrot trying to kick his leg out, lands a right hand on the break that Holtzman claims was to the back of the head. Holtzman looks mad, comes out stalking. Gamrot tries a flying knee. Body kick to right hand. Hard leg kick. 10-9 Holtzman.

Round 2: Holtzman advances, stuffs a shot, eats a counter right. Gamrot leg kick and front kick, then a low single that he chains to a rear waist lock. Holtzman separates. Uppercut attempt a minute in. Right hand from Gamrot. Big 1-2 drops Holtzman and Gamrot pours on the hurt for the finish.

Final result: Gamrot def. Holtzman by KO (punches)

155 lbs.: Ignacio Bahamondes vs. John Makdessi

Round 1: Bahamondes sending out low kicks, switching stance. Body kick lands, then jabs behind it. Straight left. One minute in. Makdessi looking to answer with leg kicks. Hard right hand by Bahamondes. Jabs and straights from both stances. Makdessi answers a leg kick with a left hook, eats a 1-2 two minutes in. Bahamondes using his length well. Hard counter left by Makdessi wobbles Bahamondes’ legs. He tries to tie up, nearly crumples from an uppercut. They separate and Makdessi starts stalking. Good right hands with two minutes to go.

Makdessi lands well in the clinch. Continuing to stalk. Bahamondes straight lefts, eats left hands in the clinch. Knee from Bahamondes, eats an uppercut. One minute to go. Stiff jab by Makdessi. Bahamondes tries to change levels, puts him on the fence. Knee to the body and elbow, eats punches in return. Bahamondes jabs, Makdessi body kick. Good right from Makdessi. 10-9 Makdessi.

Round 2: Early head kick lands for Bahamondes. 1-2. Good shots inside from Makdessi. Low kick exchange. Side kick from Makdessi. They trade jabs. Bahamondes low kick, Makdessi right hand one minute in. 2-1 from Bahamondes, walks into a left hook. Jab battle. 1-2 from Bahamondes, eats a right hand in return. Sharp uppercut buzzes Makdessi. Two minutes in. Makdessi avoids head kicks, lands a combo inside. Bahamondes shoots, denied. Knees to the body in the clinch. They separate. Two minutes to go.

They trade lefts. Makdessi body kick met by a left hand. Right cross by Makdessi. Trading in the center. Jab and low kick land for Bahamondes. Wheel kick appears to connect. One minute to go. Trading lefts with a minute to go. Makdessi rips a body shot and left hook upstairs. Bahamondes tries a combination. Body kick and straight left, eats a right cross in return. Another right hand. 10-9 Makdessi.

Round 3: Makdessi continuing to advance. He lands a side kick, avoids a wheel kick. Right hand by Bahamondes. One minute in. Low kick lands. Makdessi answers, eats a knee. Counter left by Makdessi. Bahamondes shoots, takes him to the fence. Good knee by Bahamondes 1-2 comes back at him. Two minutes in. Uppercuts from Bahamondes, Makdessi comes back with a hook and body shot. Makdessi straight right. Left hook on the pivot, low kick. Overhand right, good combo by Bahamondes. Two minutes to go.

Trading in the clinch. Big 1-2 from Bahamondes. Makdessi answers to the body. Makdessi uppercut, avoids a spin. Bahamondes knee and right hand. One minute to go. Knee to 1-2 from Bahamondes, eats a body shot. Straight right and jabs by Makdessi. Right cross from Bahamondes in return. Wheel kick falls short. Counter left hook. Good body shots by Makdessi, eats a short body kick. Close round. 10-9 Makdessi but the round could go either way.

Final result: Makdessi def. Bahamondes by split decision

265 lbs.: Jarjis Danho vs. Yorgan De Castro

Round 1: Low kicks from Danho. De Castro falls short with an overhand right. De Castro advancing, has yet to really throw. One minute in. Danho continuing to pick away with low kicks. De Castro misses on an overhand and gets taken to the fence. Two minutes in. Knees from Danho, eats a left hand on the break. De Castro chases him with a flurry, gets taken down against the fence. Back to the feet right away. Overhand right by De Castro, but he walks into an absolute monster of a cross counter right that immediately turns the lights out.

Final result: Danho def. De Castro by KO (punch)

135 lbs.: Hunter Azure vs. Jack Shore

Round 1: Low kick from Shore to start. Azure answers in kind. 1-2 lands for the Welshman. He eats a leg kick in return. Azure to the body, low kick. One minute in. Azure rips a body shot and gets taken to the fence. Knee from Shore, can’t get the first trip. Azure reverses, digs a body shot, gets reversed in turn. Shore moves to a rear waist lock. Nice takedown puts Azure on his seat two minutes in, but only for a moment. Azure avoids a deep double-leg. He looks for the switch, gets taken down and has to fight off a back take. Two minutes to go.

Shore too low looking for the back, gives up guard. Shore kicks him off and puts him on the fence again. He tries an elbow on the break. One minute to go. Shore right hand, Azure left hook. They trade kicks. Slick high kick from Shore. Azure punches his way into the clinch. Shore separates before the bell and they trade low kicks. 10-9 Shore.

Round 2: Low kick from Azure. Shores catches a low kick and tries to shoot, gets put against the fence. Short knees from Azure. One minute in. They separate. Stiff jab lands for Shore, who answers a low kick with an overhand right. Short uppercut in the clinch and he puts Azure on the fence. High crotch takedown lands for him. Azure latches onto a guillotine and uses it to force Shore down into half guard two minutes in. Back to guard. Shore looks for a guillotine, uses it to stand and reverse on the fence. Two minutes to go.

Azure lands a knee to the ghoulies. Back to the clinch. Shore lands a knee downstairs, gets reversed. Azure changes levels, can’t get it. They separate with a minute to go. 1-2 from Shore, eats a leg kick in return. 3-2 by Azure. Shore comes back with one of his own. Jab and body kick. Big 3-2 by Azure, another leg kick. Shore stings him with a right cross in the waning seconds, lands an uppercut. 10-9 Azure, but it’s close.

Round 3: Early clinch. Stiff jab from Shore. Azure comes back with a leg kick, avoids an uppercut and shoots. Elbow from Shore as he defends. Azure with a right hand on the break a minute in. Low kick lands. Shore trying to time the uppercut, lands a leg kick. Left hook connects. 1-2-sprawl. Azure shoots through a jab, denied. Two minutes in. Shore hits a takedown, can’t keep him down, stays attached. Knee on the way up, dumps Azure to his knees and takes the back. Now a low mount. Two minutes to go.

Azure makes it back to his feet, eats a hard right hand. Shore puts him on his seat again with a double-leg. Another takedown attempt, Azure lands on top in guard. Shore tries to set up a triangle, no dice. Shore elevates, goes for a triangle, avoids a back take to land on top in guard. 10-9 Shore.

Final result: Shore def. Azure by split decision

145 lbs.: Jordan Griffin vs. Luis Saldana

Round 1: Saldana circling, switching stance. Hard right hand, good low kick. Griffin takes him down, can’t keep him there. Another calf kick visibly bothers Griffin, who comes back with a left hand. One minute in. 2-1 from Saldana. Griffin tries to rush. Another low kick. Griffin falling short for the most part, lands a left hand and takes a spinning back fist. Left hand briefly drops Griffin to his knees. Now Griffin rushes with a couple hard punches two minutes in and ties up on the fence. Knee from Saldana, Griffin with a combo as they separate. Two minutes to go.

Nice shots from Griffin on the fence. Body lock takedown into side control. Saldana tries to roll, tries to stand as Griffin holds on. Another blitz from Griffin on the break. Counter left, continuing to press forward. Saldana tries a jump knee and gets double-legged. 10-9 Griffin.

Round 2: Saldana sending out shots at range, slips throwing a kick and ends up on the bottom. One minute in. Half guard for Griffin. Saldana spins for a leglock, uses it to sweep into a front headlock. Looking for a Marcelotine against the fence two minutes in. Good defense from Griffin. Knee to the body from Saldana before they separate. Hard low kick. Saldana tries to time a spinning elbow and ends up on his back. Two minutes to go.

Saldana turns to his knees, has to fight off a bulldog choke. Back to the feet, lands a knee, taken down again. Griffin looking for the back. One minute to go. Griffin gets a hook in and wraps up the RNC. It looks deep, but Saldana gives a thumbs-up and survives.

Round 3: Saldana lands a hard right hand that draws a smile. Another right hand and he denies a takedown. One minute in. Slow-mo check hook. Griffin body kick. Stiff jab lands for Saldana. Both look pretty spent. Body kick two minutes in. Superman punch attempt. Low kick lands and Griffin shoots in response. Saldana looks to reverse against the fence, avoids a no-hooks RNC to end up on top in half guard with two minutes to go.

Saldana staying heavy, not throwing much. One minute to go. Griffin sweeps into top position and jumps on his back before the bell. 10-9 Saldana.

Final result: Saldana def. Griffin by unanimous decision

205 lbs.: William Knight vs. Da Un Jung

Round 1: Low kicks from Knight to start. Jung looking to land his own, has to fight off a takedown. He muscles Knight to the mat after a scramble a minute in. Chipping away from guard. Two minutes in. Knight goes for deep half guard. Jung denies the sweeps with two minutes to go.

Knight tries a spinning elbow as they stand. Hard low kick and he shoots, only to fall victim to the same trip. Now half guard, landing elbows. One minute to go. Knight gets to his knees and stands, sporting some damage to his left eye. 10-9 Jung.

Round 2: Knight eats a right hand, continues to whack away at the lead leg. He answers a low kick with a right hand, eats some kicks from Jung, lands a jab. Body kick, low kick. Jung patiently throwing straight shots against the fence. Knight clinches up and again hits the canvas from the exact same trip. Jung looking for the back two minutes in. He forces Knight back to his knees. Knight trying to break his grip and stand, gets dumped to his knees once again. One hook for Jung, now both and he flattens Knight out. Hard elbows and punches. Two minutes to go.

Knight making an effort to escape, eating short shots. One minute to go. Knight just pouring blood from his face, though he’s limiting Jung’s ability to really open up. 10-8 Jung.

Round 3: Knight hurls a series of overhand rights, only to fall victim to a double-leg. Jung moves to side control immediately. Knight stands, same trip gets him down. Back up, back down into side control. One minute in. North-south now. Elbows to the stomach. Back to side control. Two minutes in. Jung staying heavy, occasional elbows. Two minutes to go.

Knight tries to make space, unable to dislodge Jung. One minute to go. Jung briefly considers a Von Flue as Knight holds onto a fruitless headlock. 10-9 Jung.

Final result: Jung def. Knight by unanimous decision

170 lbs.: Impa Kasanganay vs. Sasha Palatnikov

Round 1: Kasanganay on the advance, answers a body kick with a right hand. Palatnikov lands a low kick and body kick, eats another hard right hand for his trouble and gets taken down despite a fence grab. Kasanganay on top in half guard. Looking to set up an arm triangle, fence is in the way. He abandons it, lands short lefts. Palatnikov regains guard two minutes in. He makes it back to his feet and they jockey for position before separating. Kasanganay changes levels and puts him on the fence, denied. Two minutes to go.

Trading position against the fence. Short hammerfists from Palatnikov, eats an elbow on the break. He puts Kasanganay on the fence. Palatnikov elbow, Kasanganay right hand. One minute to go. Continuing to jockey for position. Knee from Palatnikov, eats a left hook. Spinning back fist attempt. Right hand met by a Kasanganay left hook. 10-9 Kasanganay.

Round 2: Kasanganay wrenches Palatnikov to the mat after clipping him with a right hand, then wraps up a no-hook rear naked choke in the scramble. The squeeze is enough to force a tap.

Final result: Kasanganay def. Palatnikov by submission (rear naked choke)

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